Study Spanish in Madrid
Madrid, a cosmopolitan, warm, and welcoming city and a melting pot of different nationalities and cultures. Madrid, the world capital of the Spanish language, a language that is becoming an essential tool in a growing number of disciplines.
Students from around the world find Madrid an exceptional place to learn a language that is already spoken by more than 400 million people worldwide.
Exhibitions, shows and an endless array of artistic initiatives and leisure activities (shopping, dining out, clubbing) help those who visit Madrid to improve their linguistic skills and increase their knowledge of the Spanish culture..
Madrid is the financial capital of Spain, and as such, offers numerous professional training programmes in some of its leading companies.
Furthermore, it is home to some of the most renowned institutions aimed at nurturing and promoting the Spanish language, such as the National Library or the Cervantes Institute. The latter bears the name of the author of Don Quixote, who lived in the very city and where he put the finishing touches to his great masterpiece. His birthplace, Alcalá de Henares, is just a few kilometres away, and is today a World Heritage Site. Just one of the many reasons to choose Madrid as your language learning destination.
Cultural Tours
The Cervantes Institute and other entities
The National Library. Center in charge of identifying, preserving, conserving and disseminating Spain's literary heritage.
Café Gijón. Old world café that first opened its doors in 1888 and is the last great literary café, par excellence, in Madrid and a local haunt for celebrities from the worlds of art and literature.
The Cervantes Institute. State-funded Institution, created in 1991 to promote and disseminate the culture of Spain and the teaching in Spanish.
Circle of Fine Arts. Founded in 1880, it is a private cultural entity with a non-profit status and »Center and Public Utility for the Protection of Fine Arts«. It is a multidisciplinary center that promotes activities that embrace everything from the fine arts to literature including science, philosophy, cinema and the scenic arts.
Lope de Vega House and Museum. 17th Century dwelling purchased by Lope de Vega in 1610 where he lived his latter years.
Sociedad Cervantina. Society devoted to the study of the work of the author od Don Quixote. In fact, it is headquartered on the same lot where Juan de Cuesta had his printing press and where the first part of the novel was published in 1604.
Royal Spanish Academy. »Limpia, fija y da esplendor« (»Cleans, fixes and gives splendour«); This is the motto of the RAE, whose main task, since 1713, has been to ensure and watch over the evolution and correction of the Castilian language.
El Ateneo. A private cultural institution founded in 1835 as a scientific-literary cultural association.
Discover Madrid
Guided Tours
»Literary Madrid«
A stroll through the Writer's Quarter, home to Literati, Muses and Parnassus, where internationally acclaimed writers such as Cervantes, Lope de Vega, Quevedo or Góngora, as well as thespians and other peoples from the world of strolling players, blended together to create a singular atmosphere during the Spanish Golden Age.
Accessible tour recommended: Plaza Mayor - C/Gerona - Plaza Provincia - C/de la Bolsa - Plaza de Jacinto Benavente - Plaza del Ángel - Plaza Santa Ana - C/San Sebastián - Iglesia San Sebastián (C/Atocha) - C/San Sebastián - C/Huertas - C/del León - C/de Cervantes (Casa Lope de Vega) - C/Lope de Vega - C/de San Agustín - Plaza de las CortesEvery Friday at 10:00 am
Every Sunday at 12:00 am
*The tour may be subject to change at the discretion of the Tourist Board
»Literary gatherings in Madrid«
A tour of the three main literary dens: the Ateneo de Madrid, the Círculo de Bellas Artes (Circle of Fine Arts) and Café Gijón.Ateneo de Madrid, Prado 21
Every Thursday at 10:00 am
Bookings and reservations
Madrid Tourism Center
Plaza Mayor, 27 - 28012 Madrid
(+34) 915 882 906 / (+34) 915 881 636
(Monday to Sunday from 9:30 am to 8:30 am)
Studying Spanish
Cervantes Institute
The Cariátides-Building (Alcalá, 49) is home to the central offices of the Cervantes Institute. With more than 60 centers located worldwide, it is the public institution that deals with the promotion and teaching of the Spanish language as well as the promotion of the culture of both Spain and other Spanish speaking countries. An aim it has in common with the Professional Association of Spanish Schools of Madrid (AEEEM), and the Spanish Federation of Associations of Spanish Schools for Foreigners (FEDELE) that together guarantee the prestige and integrity of the sector.
Public Universities
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Secretaría del Centro Complutense para la eseñanza del español (CCEE). Facultad de Filología - Edificio A. Ciudad Universitaria - 28040 Madrid
(+34) 913 945 325
(+34) 913 945 336
Fundación General de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid / General Foundation of the Autonomous University of Madrid
Ciudad Universitaria de Cantoblanco.
Einstein, 13, pabellón C, 2a planta.
28049 Madrid (+34) 914 978 828
(+34) 914 978 637
Universidad rey Juan Carlos
Campus de Vicalvaro. Po de los Artilleros s/n. 28032 Madrid
(+34) 914 887 669
(+34) 913 718 775
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Centro de Idiomas Fernando Lázaro Carreter. Residencia de Estudiantes »Fernando de los Ríos«. Avda de las ciudades, 1 - 28903 - (Getafe) Madrid
(+34) 916 248 622
(+34) 916 248 630
Universidad de Alcalá
Alcalingua - Universidad de Alcalá
C/Escritorios, 4, 28801, Alcalá de Henares(+34) 918 812 378
(+34) 918 812 378
@ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Schools of the Professional Association of Spanish Schools of Madrid
Academia Madrid Plus
Arenal, 21. 60 D
(+34) 915 481 116
@ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Don Quijote Madrid
Duque de Liria, 6
(+34) 913 604 133
@ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Enforex Madrid
Baltasar Gracián, 4
(+34) 915 943 776
@ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Estudio Sampere
Lagasca, 16
(+34) 914 314 366
@ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Arenal, 26. 30
(+34) 915 488 640
@ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Montera, 10-12
(+34) 915 212 231
@ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
International House Madrid
Zurbano, 8
(+34) 913 197 224
@ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
OISE Madrid
Orense, 81
(+34) 915 710 450
@ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Princesa, 70. 10 izq.
(+34) 915 433 139
@ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tandem, Escuela Internacional
Marqués de Cubas, 8
(+34) 915 322 715
@ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Escuela Internacional
Talamanca, 10. 10. Alcalá de Henares
(+34) 918 831 264
@ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(Source: Madrid Tourist Board - Info: